Archive for December, 2011

Indian-inspired ornaments!

So it’s five days until Christmas, and I didn’t think I’d actually get these done on time this year, but I guess miracles DO happen!

You see…it’s like this. I didn’t grow up with a christmas tree, being Hindu and all, but realized that my son, (who was born in the States and who just turned 5), would probably start asking about a tree as he got older. Well, it happened. He asked, about 6 weeks ago. Which you’d think would give me ample time to figure it all out…get a tree, decorate it, actually enjoy the tree, all by Christmas. Seemed easy enough to do.

Well, as of last week, it was looking dangerously close to not making it. But after some frantic runs to the store, we had the tree (check!), we had the lights (check!) and we even had some ornaments my husband’s mom had made with my husband, when he was a kid (Yay, father-in-law for being a pack rat!). But something was missing. I realized that I needed to inject something that represented me, into that tree!

Thus, the indian-inspired ornaments. So with 5 days until Christmas, I roped my 5 year old into doing some decoupage with me! I knew he’d love it! I mean, which kid doesn’t like cutting up paper! Yup. It was a messy job, with glue and glitter everywhere. But 2 hours later, my son and I had made these really cute ornaments we will hang on our tree, for years to come.

(Kraft ornaments and Indian handmade paper from Paper-Source)

Happy Holidays!